School At Your Door Step
New Light Education Centre
Parent Survey and Feedback
Aim-Development of child
Name Cant't be blank
1. Name :
Date :
Class :
2, No. of brothers and sister
3. Studying in School
Other School
4. Would you have any child for admission
5. Your dream about your child
6. Your Child dream
7. Would your child suffering from any disease
8. Would you receive school messages
9. How much messages helpful
10. Do you receive homework daily
11. Do you visit our school website
12. How many hours of television does your child usually watch each day?
1 Hour or less
2 Hour or less
3 Hour or less
Not know
13. How much time does your child spend on homework each day?
1 Hour
2 Hour
3 Hour
Not know
14. How many hours a day does your child spend playing on the computer or with video games?
1 Hour
2 Hour
3 Hour
No facility
15. The school has high standards for my student’s academic achievement.
16. The school is safe.
17. The school is a caring and nurturing place.
18. As a parent/guardian, I feel welcome at the school.
19. I have opportunities for involvement at the school.
20. The school looks and feels like a place where learning occurs.
21. The school office is well run.
22. The school facilities are clean and well maintained.
23. Overall, the school is a good place to learn.
24. The school does a good job preparing my student for college.
25. The school does a good job of teaching my student basic skills (e.g. reading).
26. My student’s school work and homework assignments are meaningful.
27. My student’s school work and homework assignments are meaningful.
28. Student discipline is fair.
29. Overall, I am satisfied with my student’s academic progress.
30. Would you recommend this school to other families?
31. Do you plan to re-enroll your child again next year?
32. If not, why will your child not attend this school next year? Child/family is moving away from the area I am not satisfied with the school Child does not want to return Other (please specify):
33. What do you most appreciate about the school that you would like to be sure continues ? What suggestions do you have for improvements at the school?
1. To what extent do you know how your child is doing socially at school?
To what extent do you know how your child is doing socially at school? Not at all
A little bit
Quite a bit
A tremendous amount
2. How often do you and your child talk when he or she is having a problem with others?
How often do you and your child talk when he or she is having a problem with others? Almost never
Once in a while
Almost all the time
3. How well do you know your child's close friends?
How well do you know your child's close friends? Not well at all
Mildly well
Fairly well
Quite well
Extremely well
4. How often do you have conversations with your child about what his or her class is learning at school?
How often do you have conversations with your child about what his or her class is learning at school? Almost never
Mildly well
Fairly well
Quite well
Extremely well
5. How much effort do you put into helping your child learn to do things for himself/herself?
How much effort do you put into helping your child learn to do things for himself/herself? Almost no effort
A little bit of effort
Some effort
Quite a bit of effort
A tremendous amount of effort
6. How often do you help your child understand the content he or she is learning in school?
How often do you help your child understand the content he or she is learning in school? Almost never
Once in a while
Almost all the time
7. How often do you help your child engage in activities which are educational outside the home?
How often do you help your child engage in activities which are educational outside the home? Almost never
Once in a while
Almost all the time